Outdoor Design Guide

Our outdoor spaces are an extension of our homes — let’s treat them that way.

From the patio you never use, to the deck housing a haphazard collection of outdoor furniture, these spaces are often forgotten and rarely prioritized. They can be a missed opportunity to bring so much joy & value, both to our lives and our homes.

The Outdoor Design Guide solves common outdoor dilemmas like space planning, lighting, and privacy, while also addressing those uncommon, unique to your outdoor space issues. An easy to follow floor plan, a mood board to help you visualize the finished product, and a personalized shopping list where you can find everything you need in one place, set you on your way to creating that extra room you never knew you had.

How does it work?

One: Let’s chat.

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. A complimentary discovery call to get the ball rolling.

Two: Help us help you.

By sharing inspiration images, space layout, measurements, and your wishlist for the space, you give us the tools we need to create your ideal outdoor retreat.

Three: The plan.

You receive a personalized Floorplan, Moodboard, & Shopping List to guide you along the way.

Four: You got this.

Implement your Outdoor Design Guide on your own terms — as your lifestyle and timeline allow.